Thompson Communications Video Testimonial
Thompson Communications Video Uses RapidRun for Saving Time During Classroom Installations
My name is John Thompson and I am the owner of Thompson Communication Video. Recently my company was scheduled to complete a large project for an elementary school in our county. The job required installing LCD projectors and connecting them to user outlets in each one of hte classrooms. This type of a job is very time consuming because of the time it takes to terminate a VGA cable with a DB 15 connector. I did a lot of research online to figure out an alternative, cost-effective solution which will not require our technician to spend hours doing field terminations and soldering the connectors. Finally, I discovered RapidRun, and it was perfect for this job.I did my first installation in the Montgomery County Public Schools Construction Office with the county personnel present. They were very impressed with the product and the county has decided to make it a standard in all of its installations going forward. The extremely quick termination time and the reliability of the system really made this decision a no-brainer. So far we've installed RapidRun in over 40 locations around the area and in an entire elementary school in our county. This product has been a real asset to our company, allowing us to save a tremendous amount of time during each one of these installs.
The system has been extremely reliable, and we have only run into one small obstacle during our installs. The RapidRun HD-15 flying lead is very high quality, so it comes standard with a ferrite bead used to suppress high frequency noice. This is a nice added feature that we typically like to see on our cables. However, the school was using a two-gang electrical box with a pass-through wall plate and the RapidRun HD-15 flying lead had to fit inside of the electrical box along with a few other cables. The bead made this very difficult. I brought this to the attention of my Account Manage to see if there was anything that could be done. Luckily, they offer custom solutions and in this case they were able to remove the ferrite bead for us which should take care of this issue in our future installations.

Mr. John Thompson
President, Thompson Communication Video
(November, 2007)
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