Protect Against Imposters Posing As C2G
Please note that we have experienced an increase in fraud cases recently. Below is some information you should know.Fraud attempt examples
- Someone posing as C2G, Cables To Go® or Lastar™, Inc., or Legrand® requesting credit terms, and then placing an order to ship to a non-legitimate company location
- Someone posing as a current customer, placing an order, and then requesting shipment to a "new" location or "drop-ship" address
- Unsolicited offers to act as a "Mystery Shopper" on behalf of Lastar, a division of Lastar, Legrand, or a division of Legrand accompanied by a counterfeit check
What to watch for:
- An unknown person placing an order for a current customer
- New shipping locations
- New customer set-up without proper verification
What to do:
- Verify all new ship-to location requests directly with the company
- Verify requests for credit and new customer set-up carefully
- We encourage you to contact us if there is anything out of the ordinary or you are not sure if a particular transaction is legitimate
Thank you for your attention to this and for your continued partnership with C2G.
Please contact Donna Chaseley (Sr. Accountant | 937.528.4883 | regarding any suspicious activities involving Legrand or its affiliates.